
Abolish corporate income taxes

Corporate income taxes should be abolished. Here's why:

1. To a company, tax is one of many costs that get rolled into the price of a product. Customers ultimately pay in the end, making corporate taxes equivalent to a (complicated) sales tax, which is regressive: poor people pay more than rich people as a percentage of their income. Eliminating these taxes would disproportionately help poor people.

2. It would stimulate the economy by lowering compliance costs. Companies wouldn't employ people to do their taxes. Companies wouldn't do complicated things to hide income from the tax man like they do now.

3. It would give local companies an advantage, providing jobs and improving the economy.

4. It would decrease corruption. Currently, companies give campaign contributions (a.k.a. bribes) to politicians in exchange for favors such as tax exemptions. Reduce the favors politicians can give and you reduce political corruption.

5. Corporate income taxes don't actually bring in much revenue (compared to other income sources), making it easier for the benefits to outweigh the costs.

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